<aside> 📌 Ideating and developing a rapid proof of concept to suggest recommended alternatives when products featured in user generated content are out of stock.
⏰ Pixlee TurnTo Spring Hackathon 2021
🛠️ User Research, Interface Design, Frontend Development
Currently on Pixlee gallery widgets, when a linked product is out of stock on a UGC, the product is hidden from the piece of content, defaulting to media where no product is displayed. This can lead to numerous lost sales as consumers will not recognize that a product is available to them, and will not be able to wait until the product comes in stock again. This project aims to redirect this lost traffic to an alternative recommended product, increasing customer retention and conversion.
This proof of concept shows a recommended product displayed within a photo lightbox as an alternative to an out of stock product, and includes updates in Pixlee’s client dashboard for the configuration of a recommended product.
We are witnessing a huge spike in e-commerce traffic. Despite major strides taken by online platforms to improve the consumer experience, out of stock products can present a challenge to growing businesses.
A study conducted by the IHL group in 2015 reported that out of stock products resulted in $634.1 billion in lost retail sales - a shocking number that highlights the importance of inventory management.
Out of stock items not only result in lost revenue, but may also impact a brand’s reputation, resulting in customers lost to competitors.
A solution to this is to redirect this lost conversion to an in stock product, presented as a curated item that consumers might consider as an alternative.